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Things to Consider When Choosing a Daycare Near You

Things to Consider When Choosing a Daycare Near You

How do you go about finding a daycare near you when it’s time to choose one for your new little bundle of joy? It can be quite overwhelming, but this blog will surely give you some clarity. One of the most important things to consider is your child’s safety and cleanliness of the center, but the list of considerations does not end there!

Like many parents, you may experience some level of anxiety when attempting to choose a daycare near you for your child to attend. You are consistently wondering how they will fair? Will they eat? Will they make friends? Will they have fun? Will they be treated properly? Will they be safe? Did I make the right choice? Just know you are not alone in your feelings of worry. Millions of Americans are feeling just like you. It feels like a really big deal to choose the proper childcare center because it is a big deal Where you choose for your child to go to school in their formative years make all the difference in their life later on. At Applebee Montessori Academy, we pride ourselves on educating the whole child—physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Getting the correct responses when interviewing preschools near you will help to alleviate some of that anxiety and leave you feeling confident in your choice! Here’s what you need to know when choosing a childcare center near you:


Each childcare center must be licensed according to your states policies. This ensures they are in full compliance with safety, cleanliness, and educational requirements.
-Licensure should be posted in the main lobby and easily accessible.
- If you cannot find it, don’t be shy! Ask to see the license to make sure they are legally operating.

Kitchen Score and Prepared Meals

Some parents like to prepare their children’s meals and others do not mind allowing their children to eat food prepared and served at the center. Whichever is your preference, make sure you ask at your visit to ensure you and your child’s needs will be met. We use Twelve Oaks catering services for our children’s meals.

Discipline Policies

Understanding the preschool’s discipline policy will be of upmost importance to you. Whether your child is a very busy explorer a little handsy, or the shy student who may get be more reserved, you want to know how the situations will pan out and what support will be given. Don’t be afraid to ask:
- What are your thoughts on discipline?
- What happens if my child is picked on?
- What happens if my child is picking on someone?
- How do you handle children with aggressive behavior?
- Does the center ever suspend children for behavior? If so, what type?
- What discipline methods will be used?


Having your own beliefs about childcare will help you to navigate what type of environment you want your child to be in. If you and your child are super routine oriented, traditional childcares may be your choice. However, if you believe in children self-teaching, exploring their environment, and adults being a reassuring guide, then Montessori schools may be for you! Ask the childcare:
- What type of schedule do the children operate on daily?
- What’s the best way you believe children learn?
- What opportunities will be afforded to my child being here that they won’t get anywhere else?
-What will my child experience here that will contribute to their whole self?
- What are the teacher’s roles in the classroom? What about the children?

Environment Size

Environment size can have a big impact on your child’s learning ability. Some preschool centers near you will allow as many as 20-25 children in a room depending on their age. Some children fair well in this environment size, while others need smaller, less chaotic environments. At Applebee Academy, your child will experience smaller classroom sizes that fall in line with Montessori theories. Having smaller environment sizes allow for children to have a safer experience. They also will not have to wait long to have 1 on 1 time with their teacher to build foundational skills in the subjects that interest them.


Cost is a major pain point for many parents seeking affordable and quality care for their children. It is important for you to know that the center you love is one you can afford. If you find that the price range may be more than you can handle, don’t be afraid to ask about grants and/or scholarships that may be available to you.

Illness Policy

Sadly, we are still in a pandemic that can affect the way your child gets to interact with school. It is important that you are aware of the procedures that your child’s future school has put into place to keep them safe against Covid-19. Outside of the pandemic, many schools already had a policy for managing illnesses due to the common cold, flu, or things like hand-foot-mouth disease. You can ask questions like:
- How long does a child need to be fever free before coming to school?
- Do you guys have a quarantine room for children who become ill at school?
- Can my child still come to school if they have a slight cough and/or runny nose?
- Can you all administer allergy medicine?
- What type of medicines can you administer?
- How will you handle my child’s illness/fever if you can’t get in touch with me immediately?

Check References

See what other parents are saying, past and present. It’s possible, but not likely that any center will be able to satisfy 100% of their customers 100% of the time so make sure you can weed out unreliable references. Namely because some people choose centers without really taking the time to find out what all they need. Don’t be afraid to check out different reviews to get an understanding. You can check
- Local mom/dad groups on Facebook to see what their experiences are
- Google Reviews
- The daycare center’s Facebook page reviews- Government websites

Qualifications of Teacher

Make sure to meet your child’s possible future educator. This may be what seals the deal for you! Meeting the teacher, learning their background, and qualifications are all very important. Hearing what they have to say on their personal philosophies and what they love most about their day with the students can make a world of difference when choosing which preschool will be right for your family.Questions you can ask:
- what do you love most about being a teacher?
- what was your favorite thing about today that involved your student(s)?
- what is your educational background?

Parent Involvement

Some places aren’t leaving much room for parents to volunteer and be involved in their child’s education. If this is something that is important to you, ask what steps are needed to be able to volunteer in the classroom and/or on field trips. Knowing how often you can visit and how long each visit can be, and who else in the family (aunts, uncles, and/or grandparents) can visit may also be very important questions for you to ask!

Every detail is important when you are considering your child’s development. Taking a tour of the school, getting to know the staff, the educators, and seeing the children in their element can help give you a great sense of what your child will experience.

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